Saturday, March 11, 2006

The fact is:

Thanks to Dangermouse for sending my brain in circles while I was writing this...

All truths are true and that truths do not have to be facts.

Facts have to be true. A fact cannot be false. A true fact makes it a truth.

If all truths are true but not all truths are facts how can a truth that is not a fact, be true?

Truth is subjective.

Truth is a category. To categorise, you must consider it. Once you have decided, upon consideration, that it is true, it is a Truth. A fact does not have to be decided upon. A fact, by default, is true. Upon thinking about it, it becomes a truth.

Therefore, all truths are subjective and all facts are objective.

Two people are sat in a room. Both are looking at the same space on a wall. One person sees someone walk in front of both of them. The other does not.

When questioned about this they reply.

"I saw someone walk past." says one person.
"I did not see anyone walk past." says the other.

Who is telling the truth? They both are. Who is stating a fact? They both are.

Who is correct? I do not know, I was not there to see. So, what is the truth?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if u ask "did u see anyone passing by?" they both can get different true answers. But if the question is about a FACT, which means - was there anyone passing by? the answer would be YES, but one person saw him and other not. The fact is still a fact, there was a person coming. So.... whats this all about? :o


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 11:44:00 am  
Blogger MadTPot said...

Hey Lucy,

It is about perspective. My little tale does not say for certain if there really was a person there.

So BOTH people are stating a fact, and BOTH people are telling the truth. Which one is correct? Was anyone really passing by? I do not know. It was never said.

What is my point?
What IS true? and What IS fact? When you do not know for sure what is or was there? We have 2 people here who tell different stories about the same time. We do not know what happened, we were not there. Who do you believe?

Thanks for reading.

Peace. ;)

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 7:27:00 pm  

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